In the early days of "off the shelf" software, most businesses didn't get exactly what they wanted. 
As such, I spent many years --- on the job --- building "custom" database solutions for a wide-variety of small business, and large corporations in California.

​​Microsoft Access can solve a 101+ data collection and reporting needs -- for small business. 
​I have frequently been a problem solver who listens to the needs of small business, then delivers the results they want.  Often, I transformed the entire operations of an office into a "paperless" way of working in teams, building solutions so that everyone started to share the same data, over a network. This would save CEOs countless manhours, and would eliminate problems that arise when multiple employees keep --- redundant data --- separately, in Excel.  I would consolidate multiple Excel files and convert --- all data --- into a central database, with user friendly data-entry screens.

I have also worked in Silicon Valley corporations, running data analytics for multi-millions of records for the State of California.  If you can imagine how large the population is in California, then you might also imagine how much data the industry of health insurance, actually collects. Therefore, I have also helped large corporations which utilized Microsoft Access "sort through" and query data.

My past employment with Cal State Fullerton was also "unique".  The university itself, had a mammoth central database, but faculty within School of Education were completely dissatisfied that it would take too long putting in --requests for NEW features -- which could take 8-10 months or longer. Or, their requests for new features would never happen at all.  With previous database experience, I was recruited by the Dean of Education to "cater" specifically to the needs of the School of Education, building "custom" Microsoft Access solutions that could not be addressed by the university's antiquated, central database.  More details about this extensive 40-user database can be found by clicking on the PAST CLIENTS button --- above --- on the menu bar.​

My professional background includes full-time employment as an Analyst / Programmer, as well as various Microsoft Access "consulting" projects. In past, I supported multiple clients at the same time.  Frequently, after a database is initially constructed the bulk of the work is complete.  However, I would continue to travel --- back and forth --- between more than 1 office, supporting ongoing development and expansion of their databases, as needed.  As most clients began to use databases I had built for them, they would come of with ---new requests ---later.  Therefore, I built new features "on call".  

Then, Covid 19 ------changed my world -----for a few years.​​​​ ​I moved from California to Arizona to avoid overpopulation issues related to Covid 19 crisis management, within the State of California. 

​​However, my "specialized" set of skills left the State of California, right along with me.

​​For organizations who still utilize Microsoft Access today, ​or anyone else needing to improve the way they manage excessive amounts of data, I can offer a few "tricks" of the trade.

​​That's the great thing about Microsoft Access. Powerful "custom" databases are within reach to everybody as part of Office 365, but the learning curve is long ---- for a beginner. 

​​As an experienced Microsoft Access professional, I can "hit the ground, running" knowing exactly the kinds of questions to ask about your business, up front.  Even if, you don't exactly know all the ways a "custom" Microsoft Access database could help you.  I do. 

​​And, I know plenty enough to --- guide you --- along.

I am experienced supporting many different sectors of both large and small business.
​I can help any company starting out with --- no data collection and reporting system. 

​​Or, I can take existing Microsoft Access databases and make them better.  
A "custom" database can help you
- Manage your inventory
- Keep contact information all in one place
- Print invoices, letters, labels, and envelopes
- Query statistical analysis of large sets of data​
- Phone logs​
- Event tracking
- Timecards and Schedules​​​​​​​​
- And much more.​​​
As an Access "specialist"
​I can develop:
- Main Menu and Log-In system for all employees​ ( with passwords, if necessary )
- Tables ( similar to Excel sheets) which store company-wide data, reference tables, and more.
- Queries summarizing linked data from multiple tables of related information. Complex calculations.
- D​
ata Entry screens which can also control "workflow" between employees around the office.
- Reports ( print out the same data,  )
- Form letters, mailing labels and mail merges
- Advanced macro functions performing "​​automated tasks" throughout the database​
- And more.​

For larger offices, it might be overwhelming to understand how many ways Access can help you.​​ 
​I can show you Access "tricks" you've probably never even thought of.  I've done it many times. 
​Whenever I am recruited to help a new client, I typically start by interviewing the employees to gain an overall understanding of their job and position. Listening to employees describe their work, I gain a unique perspective of operations. ​​This allows me to develop database systems which address the "unique" needs specific to a company.

Or, just tell me ----what you want accomplish.  I'll follow ----your lead.​​   Either way.
​​Contact me to discuss the possibilities.